With the aim to improve air quality and renew timber resources, 1000 new spruces were planted in the territory of the regional waste management centre “Daibe” last week-end. Planting of new spruce trees is a joint contribution of local waste management company “ZAAO”, official dealer of car air fresheners WUNDER-BAUM in Latvia – company “Getz Nordic”, and “Valmiera SOS Children’s Village” in the environmental initiative “100 Works for Latvia” dedicated to centennial of Latvia.
Thanks to the support of producer of car air fresheners WUNDER-BAUM, the new spruce forest is a symbolic fee of car drivers to nature so that at least a little compensate the harm caused to it by car emissions. Data of the “World Wide Fund for Nature” show that transport is the second largest cause of environmental pollution in Latvia. The greater air pollution is, the more trees are required to absorb this pollution. A spruce forest of average area can produce 350 tons of oxygen in approximately 50 years or 7 tons a year. Spruce is the second most popular tree species with the help of which forests in Latvia are being renewed, according to information of “Latvia’s State Forests”. It is important to know also that a tree produces oxygen only while it is growing, namely, a ripe forest does not produce oxygen any more.